Government Efficiency and
Accountability Review Board

Enterprise Services Delivery

GEAR Board meeting in action

To better address statewide needs and goals, beginning in 2021, GEAR’s functional teams of Financial Services Delivery, Human Resources Delivery, and IT Efficiency were consolidated into the Enterprise Services Delivery (ESD) Team.  Prior to the formation of the Enterprise Services Delivery Team, the GEAR functional teams worked on individual agency projects.  These initial individual agency projects were well underway or moving to completion and being replaced by projects that were enterprise-wide in scope and would affect the Financial Services Delivery agencies (Office of Management and Budget, Department of Finance, Office of the State Treasurer, Auditor of Accounts, and Controller General’s Office) and the other GEAR functional teams.

The Enterprise Services Delivery Team was established to serve as a forum to facilitate communication among State organizations to do things more effectively, collaborate on ideas, and identify resources to support projects with enterprise-wide implications.  The mission of the ESD team is to support, promote, monitor and strategically guide statewide, multi- organization, financial services, human resources and information technology projects to facilitate inter-organizational collaboration on these projects and elevate communication of project details and outcomes to stakeholders. ESD’s vision is to foster a culture of collaboration and success by ensuring inter-organization collaboration on enterprise-wide finance, human resources and information technology projects and adequate resource allocation to sustain these projects over time.

Role and Key Activities

  • Foster greater alignment among organizations, projects, and service delivery outcomes moving towards a more unified State of Delaware enterprise focus.  This involves assisting organizations to adopt a state enterprise-wide perspective emphasizing inter-organizational collaboration over competition for resources.
  • Identify and review enterprise-wide projects to enhance the efficiency of State operations and identify opportunities for economies of scale.
  • Identify enterprise needs, devise solutions to meet these needs, and determine and advocate for the resources necessary for effective and sustained solution implementations.
  • Serve as a forum for business, subject matter, and technical experts to collaborate on understanding business processes, technical solutions, resource requirements and project priorities and communicating these elements externally to decisionmakers and stakeholders.
  • Formulate enterprise strategies and provide comprehensive reporting on the impact of change capacity, risk management, integration points and resource use.  Assess the resulting return on investment (ROI), and any qualitative improvements/outcomes, for enterprise-wide solutions that benefit organizations and stakeholders.

Guiding Principles

  • Support project(s), as needed, through the funding (budget) process.
  • Cultivate a motivation for change and share lessons learned across organizations.
  • Introduce opportunities for improving project management, business analysis and change management.
  • Assess break even and return on investment (ROI) and identify any positive qualitative benefits to these projects.
  • Orient organizations and projects towards outcomes emphasizing collaboration over competition for resources and adopting an enterprise-wide perspective.
  • Ensure compliance with statewide standards to facilitate inter-operability, maintain consistency across solutions and support IT operations under the Department of Technology and Information (DTI) service umbrella, particularly those services securing the protection of State data and the State network.
  • Acknowledge the constant evolution of the IT environment, by monitoring emerging technologies and techniques for potential use.  ESD will encourage organizations to collaborate with DTI to build IT innovation capabilities and provide an environment, management practices, and incentives for exploring, designing or prototyping new solutions and services.  ESD will also report on recommendations and findings of the AI Commission so that these may be adopted on an enterprise-wide basis.
  • Recognize data as an enterprise asset with an emphasis on onteroperability in government work.  Coordinating inter-organization and inter-governmental data collection and management that is essential for improving data sharing capabilities and reducing the costs or acquiring and managing data.
  • Any initiatives impacting statewide systems (e.g., current ERP project involving PHRST, eSTAR, FSF, CRIS) will also be referred to the project’s formal governance structure.

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